April Control Briefing #1: A Guide to Understanding and Profiting from the Next Bitcoin Halving
I predict that after this historic shift, the bitcoin price will make another jump, pushing its value light years ahead of other commodities.
I predict that after this historic shift, the bitcoin price will make another jump, pushing its value light years ahead of other commodities.
Today, I’m going to talk about how you can make 100%, 520%, or even 1603% profits from gold, by utilizing something I call the “ripple effect”.
The transcript below this video was auto generated by A.I. It will have some errors because it’s inexact in transcribing every word properly. Our team will clean up the transcript in the next 48 hours. Peter Coyne: Welcome, everyone, to this month’s second control briefing. My guest today is Jason Bodner. Jason, welcome. Jason Bodner: …
January Control Briefing #2: America’s First Cash Bubble with Jason Bodner Read More »
Welcome to this month’s first Control Briefing! Today I’m talking with former intelligence officer and contractor, Mike Shelby. In this Control Briefing, we cover: A few quick notes before you get started: Enjoy! Peter Peter Coyne: All right. Welcome, everyone, to January’s first control briefing. I am joined by Mike Shelby. Mike, welcome. Thank you. …
Read on below for a discussion I had with Blake Masters. I don’t have a video for this month’s conversation. Just a transcript. But it’s still worth reviewing.
Today I’m talking with my friend and former CIA and defense expert, Jason Hanson.
Welcome to this month’s bonus Control Briefing with former CIA Advisor Jim Rickards. We talk how conflicts in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and in the Pacific could escalate, the lack of experienced diplomats in current US leadership positions, and more…
Today, I’m talking with Max Morton, a retired Marine colonel, CIA Veteran, and strategic threat analyst at Forward Observer.
Iran-Israel geopolitical tensions and the potential benefits of oil pipelines through Israel in streamlining the global supply chain
Welcome to this month’s first Control Briefing with veteran, warfare expert, technology entrepreneur and author/analyst, John Robb.