Your Control Report Membership Is Upgraded

Congratulations on upgrading your membership of The Control Report to lifetime status!

I'm thrilled to have you!

A Lifetime of Materials:

No more renewal fees, no more hassle... Just a lifetime of materials to help you get on the path to an independent and wealth future.

For your convenience you can access some of your materials right here. Click the links below to get instant access:

You can find your remaining material in the member's area.

🚨 But Don't Forget: You'll get a new monthly report along with other bonus content each month so don't forget to log in and access them.

We'll also send you an email straight to your inbox anytime we post something new so make sure you whitelist us to ensure you don't miss anything!

Our emails will come from [email protected].

Our support team is ready to help you…

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the service, or your account you can email our customer service team here:

[email protected]

My team will be checking those emails everyday so that we can provide you with everything you need to succeed.

If you’re confused about something… Or you just want more information on a certain topic… Please reach out to my team.

They’re here to help!

We're thrilled to have you.

Peter Coyne
Founder & CEO, The Control Group

The Control Group