Welcome to The Capitol Gains Trader

Members of Congress have already loaded up on a handful of stocks that are set to soar.
Don’t let them walk away with all the profits.
Like Pete showed you here today…
Had you used his proprietary tracking system in the past…
You could have turned a $5,000 investment into as much as $13,000, $22,500 and even $50,000 or more…
Sometimes in a matter of weeks…
Simply by tracking what members of Congress were doing in the stock market.
Of course, as Pete shared in his presentation – as a smart reader you should know that all investing, and all trading, carries risk. You should never invest any money in the markets that you can't afford to live without.
As much as he and his team will do their best to make sure the performance is as good as can be, Pete can't make any promises as to the money making outcomes.
What Pete CAN promise you, however, is that this is your very best chance to level the playing field.
Even better…
Capitol Gains Trader has a retail price of $3,000 for an annual subscription.
But because of this urgent situation…
And because you’ll become a charter member…
Today you can join for just $1,495.
That means your very first three trade recommendations…
Could lead to gains big enough to more than pay for your entire subscription.
Here's Everything You'll Get
When You Act Today
Special Report: Congressional Fortunes: Three Trades to Level the Playing Field
Members of Congress are betting big on these three stocks. Get their names and ticker symbols because they could skyrocket after the State of the Union Address.
A Full Year of The Capitol Gains Trader
Whenever Pete’s tracking system flashes a strong buy, they’ll send you an alert. On average, you can expect 2 to 3 trades a month.
The Capitol Gains Trader Primer
This guide will help you get started, no matter your experience in the stock market.
The Capitol Gains Trader Video Course
This video will walk you through all the details of our strategy, including step-by-step instructions on how to buy and sell options.
Weekly Updates on Congressional Trades
Every week, we’ll show you what members of Congress are up to and which stocks they’re heavily buying.
Bonus Report: TOP FIVE Most Popular Congressional Stocks
Members of Congress are collectively investing millions in these stocks. Find out their names and ticker symbols inside this report.
Exclusive Members-Only Website
This is where you’ll find all the issues, reports and educational videos. Plus a model portfolio that’s monitored 24/7.
U.S. Based Customer Support
Simply call or email them any time Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm ET. Just keep in mind, we’re not allowed to give individual investment advice.

The stocks I'm talking about could begin a historic rally.
That means this could be your only chance to turn the tables on the Washington establishment…
And walk away with a windfall.
Don’t delay or you’ll be left out.
To get started, fill out the new member acceptance form below.
12-Month Membership to
The Capitol Gains Trader
FOUNDER'S PRICE: Special 50% Discount
$3,000 $1,495
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Please note: The information discussed in The Control Group service are opinions and are for information purposes only. It is not investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice.

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