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The Control Group

Get The Tools To Get UNBANKED:

I've shown you all the amazing tools you're going to get right away when you join like:

Ron Paul's Monetary Anthology: Digital access to Dr. Ron Paul's 1,753 page Monetary Anthology... what I like to call his "American Wealth Protection Blueprint"

The Unbanked Survival Guide: You'll receive a digital copy of my new 172 page book showing you how to retake control of your money and become your own bank.

The Unbanked Checklist: Your quick start to getting unbanked FAST...

30 Banks and Bank Stocks to Avoid: A toxic list of banks and bank stocks to avoid. If you have any money deposited in these banks, run for the exits FAST.

Ron Paul's "Lost Gold Bible": A special Control Report digital edition of "The Case For Gold."

The Solid Gold Secret: With this guide, you'll discover the secrets to safeguarding your assets and protecting your portfolio from market volatility using precious metals the RIGHT WAY. And you’ll get my #1 recommended secure place to purchase and store your precious metals.

The Control Hourglass Tool: This revolutionary tool that helps you visualize and track your wealth-building progress. It shows 13 different levels of money… from how the mainstream financial system works and tries to control your money… to how you can structure your financial life for maximum control, safety and growth of your finances. It allows you to input where you stand financially right now, and immediately tells you where your money is at risk and where you can get more control.

12 months of The Control Report: Thousands have paid $995 to access this material and more. The next issue of The Control Report is scheduled for release this month. Every issue is focused on a trend unfolding in the economy, the financial markets or in politics that directly impacts the amount of control you have over your life. These 20-page reports give you actionable ideas to take back control so you can be in the driver's seat of your freedom, your financials and your future.

Time Is Running Out
Act Fast

The next issue of The Control Report is scheduled for release in just a few weeks.

I’m covering an economic freight train speed right toward us that the mainstream media is totally ignoring.

Every issue is focused on a trend unfolding in the economy… the financial markets… or politics that directly impacts the amount of control you have over your life.

And I bring actionable ideas to taking back control so you can be in the driver's seat of your freedom, your financials and your future.

In all, you’ll receive 12 issues of The Control Report over the next year.

These are monthly 20-plus page reports all geared toward giving you maximum control.

Sometimes it might be a new opportunity to get unbanked…

Other times, it could be a pressing-opportunity I’m seeing in the stock market…

Other times, it could be a personal finance strategy to make more money… keep more of the money you make… increase your privacy or use of your money…

Other times we could be looking at alternative investment strategies.

Other times we might look at a health issue…

Or an opportunity in real estate.

Anything that impacts the level of control you have over your freedom and future will be on the table.

You’ll be able to submit your questions, too, to be addressed in future issues. 

You can claim a free digital copy of The Unbanked Survival Guide plus access to everything I’ve discussed for FREE when you join The Control Report today.

The Control Report is different from any other publication in the marketplace today.

Right now, this research service is only available to several thousand readers -- all of whom have paid $995 or more to access The Control Report.

I think that’s more than a fair price for the research you’ll be receiving…

But when you accept my offer today, you’ll pay just $99.


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The Control Report


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(Automatically renews at $99 per year.)

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Please note: The information discussed in The Control Group service are opinions and are for information purposes only. It is not investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice.