Control Chronicles

Control Chronicle #4: Xi Jinping Says He’s Preparing China for War. Here’s Why You Should Believe Him…

After the September 11th, 2001, attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City, the 911 Commission determined that our two main failures in preventing the attacks were not being imaginative enough in anticipating a strategic surprise attack from our enemies, and our inability to connect the dots leading up to the attacks. The reason I’m pointing this out, is I believe we’re about to make the same mistake again—this time with China…

Control Chronicle #3: How The Global Elite Are Using BlackRock And The War In Ukraine To Seize Control of America And The World

I have three new and exciting Control Briefing interviews for April all coming out to you next week. I’m talking to a former Goldman Sachs partner… one of the founders of one of the largest financial youtube channels… a former IMF economist… and the co-author of my new book which I’ll be sending you for free in the next few weeks (the briefing will be a sneak peek.) Those briefings will drop Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week!